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Haunted Doll Collette-Dark Witch-Active Spirit

Haunted Doll Collette-Dark Witch-Active Spirit

Regular price $680.00 USD
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Introducing Colette! Colette grew up in the enchanting Scottish Highlands during the late 18th century. From an early age, she knew there was something different about her. While other children played with toys and games, Colette found solace in conjuring spells and embracing the mysterious world of witchcraft.

Her journey to discover her true nature took an unexpected turn one fateful day. During a stroll through the ancient woodlands near her home, she stumbled upon a wounded owl. As she approached, a sudden surge of energy overwhelmed her, a deep connection forming between them. In that moment, she knew she had found her familiar.

The owl, named Midnight, became Colette's confidant and guide. Together, they delved into all forms of magic, exploring both the light and dark aspects. However, it was the dark magic that resonated deeply within Colette's soul. The allure of its power was undeniable, and she delved ever deeper, honing her skills and mastering ancient spells that sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed their effects.

Word eventually spread throughout the land of Colette's growing abilities. Whispers about her dark craft cast a dark shadow over her name. Some feared her for the devastation she could wreak upon anyone who dared cross her or threatened those she loved. They would soon come face to face with the consequences of their actions, for Colette was not one to wield her power lightly.

Through her tumultuous life, Colette found herself married and divorced. Her husband suffered under spells she cast, his existence plagued by despair and misfortune. Alongside her turbulent love life, she cherished her children, for whom she would lay down her life without a moment's hesitation. As a testament to her bond with the spirits of nature, she was accompanied by four loyal familiars, each fierce and protective.

In her final days, Colette's power had grown to such heights that mortal men and women trembled in her presence. The results of her potent spells left an indelible mark on the world. However, despite her overwhelming strength, she passed away at the tender age of 40, leaving behind a small circle of trustworthy friends. Her cause of death remains a mystery, but she may share with her new keeper.

Colette, now yearning for a new purpose, seeks a keeper who understands her and who’s not afraid to work with dark magic. She longs to go to someone in need of a potent witch, always accompanied by Midnight, her beautiful owl companion. (No vessel)

Colette is for anyone who seeks protection against dark forces or yearns for liberation from curses and hexes. Should her keeper encounter disrespect, betrayal, or mistreatment, Colette unleashes her wrath, unless instructed otherwise. Trust me you don’t want to be on her bad side! If there’s someone you wish her to curse she would be happy to do so. She is fiercely protective of her keeper and despises anything or anyone that would cause them harm.

Collette finds solace in offerings of dark roses and the fragrant brews of coffee and tea. She communicates through various means, including pendulums, cat balls, and dowsing rods. Colette's voice reaches her keeper telepathically, accompanied by vivid visions. Sometimes, she may even reveal herself in the form of a woman with raven-black tresses and piercing emerald eyes.
While Colette generally enjoys the presence of others, those who seek to harm her or those she cares for find themselves entangled in a storm of her relentless magic. She is active and may touch your hair, hum softly, move her vessel slightly or mess with the radio. Her owl may be heard flying above your head, you may feel him land on your shoulders or see his yellow eyes shine brightly in a dark room. She will help you in any area of your life so long as you treat her kindly.
She will cherish the moments spent with her keeper and will never cause her keeper harm, it’s others who need to watch out. She is kind, but she will tell you what you need to hear even if you don’t want to hear it. She doesn’t sugarcoat anything and is always up front and honest. She may be wary of any guests you have over and will watch them closely. She will closely watch your home and do her best to keep you safe. There was a strange man walking around my neighborhood a few weeks ago and I was awoken to Collette loudly banging on my wall’s and flickering the lights to get my attention. She was concerned because I had forgotten to lock my door. She’s always looking out for her keeper that’s for sure. Sleep soundly with her around because she will always be close by at night. She would love if you joined her for a cup of coffee in the morning from time to time. She would be happy to listen to anything that’s troubling and don’t be afraid to ask her for help, she wants to help you and feel useful. She is eagerly awaiting her keeper to find her and adopt her. If she’s for you, don’t hesitate on bringing this beautiful spirit into your home.

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