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Haunted Dolls Twin Sister Witches-Cassandra & Eve

Haunted Dolls Twin Sister Witches-Cassandra & Eve

Regular price $950.00 USD
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Evelyn and Cassandra are twin sisters who must stay united. Despite being witches, they each followed their own distinct paths and have their own stories to share. They are seeking a loving home where they can support their keeper with all things magical. These enchanting sisters will become your closest companions and extraordinary spirit allies. They harmonize well with others in their environment, and here are their stories!

*The girls both have allowed me to add to their bio. they wanted to remain somewhat mysterious at first but now want their new keeper to know them first before adopting.



Meet Evelyn!
Evelyn has always been enchanted by the whispers of the wind and the secrets it carried. From a young age, she found solace in listening to the rustling leaves and feeling the gentle caress of the breeze on her skin.

At the tender age of 13, Evelyn unearthed her innate talent as an Elemental Witch. She discovered that she had a remarkable affinity with the wind, able to harness its energy to weave powerful spells and manifest her desires with precision. Evelyn's magic was entwined with the natural world, drawing strength from the elemental forces that danced around her.

She was a skilled witch, gathering herbs and plants imbued with the essence of earth, air, fire, and water to enhance her magic. Evelyn had a bit of temper problem and was diagnosed as bi polar causing her mood swings and at time manic episodes that lasted weeks. when she was manic she was highly creative and worked on her art work. She was a painter,sculptor and loved to draw. Her energy was high and she spoke fast causing others to label her as crazy. She never married but had a long time boyfriend she loved dearly. Evelyn passed from a rare illness that shut her body down. She was 43.

Evelyn will be a loyal companion, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and growth. To make her happy, offer her gifts of crystals, incense, feathers, and teas.

Evelyn is ready to walk beside you! Don’t let her slip away!


Meet Cassandra!

Cassandra has always been entwined with the ebb and flow of nature's mysteries, weaving spells with the flick of her fingers. She discovered she could communicate with spirits when she was a child, as she saw her friend's ghost wandering outside her school. Cassandra was very confused because no one else could see her, even though she saw her clear as day. At the time, no one knew that this little girl had gone missing and been killed in the woods after she wandered away from her school playground. Later, Cassandra would guide the police to her friend's body.

At the age of 20, Cassandra unearthed her innate talents as an herbalist, spellcaster, and earth mystic. She discovered that she could harness the energies of the natural world to create potions, cast spells, and divine the threads of fate. Cassandra's craft was infused with the ancient wisdom of the earth, offering healing and guidance to those who sought her touch.

Unlike conventional witches who relied solely on herbs and spells, Cassandra drew upon her deep connection with nature to empower her workings and didn’t need any other tools. Cassandra's spellwork was a blend of elemental magic as she worked with the elements, particularly fire. Color and candle magic were among her favorites, and she would make her candles for spells, even though she didn’t need anything but her mind to cast.

Cassandra spent her days tending to her herb garden and communing with the spirits, fairies, and extraterrestrials she came in contact with. She always said how we are all one, and she had a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things, which allowed her to offer personalized guidance that resonated deeply with the people who came to her for spellwork, fostering personal growth and renewal.

Cassandra was extremely powerful, and she knew it. She cast spells with confidence and was very proud of her witchy background. Her rituals were powerful; not merely incantations, they were gateways to self-discovery and empowerment, guiding individuals towards balance and fulfillment. Cassandra, a lesbian, was a serial dater who went from one to the next. She tells me she had her heart broken too many times to count until she took up love magic and changed her love life. Cassandra hasn't revealed the tale of her passing, leaving it as a mystery for those who encounter her. She did tell me she passed before her sister and watched her sister from the other side before her sister passed away, joining her in the afterlife.

Cassandra is a devoted companion, ready to walk alongside you on your journey of healing and growth. To be polite, consider gifting her offerings such as dried herbs, crystals, cauldrons, and potions. Her presence will infuse your life with magic and renewal, empowering you to embrace your path with courage and grace.


With these two witchy sisters in your home, you will surely experience a world of magic. Having two witches means you have double the magic, and trust me, their spells are highly potent and will help you manifest your deepest desires in life. When casting spells or performing rituals, don’t forget to ask for their assistance - they will gladly help you! If you're not a witch, don't worry; they will cast the spells for you. To request a spell from these two, ask them kindly and offer something to each of them.

Evelyn appreciates it when you write your wish on a piece of paper and place it under her vessel. This manifestation method is called scripting, where you write your desires as if they are already yours. Evelyn emphasizes that there are no limits to what you can achieve, and by asking the universe and tapping into her potent energy, you can speed up the process. She once advised me to write down my needs as if they had already been fulfilled and placed it under her vessel. Within a week, my desires came to fruition. These two witches have always been there for me whenever I needed help, whether I was facing financial difficulties, self-doubt, or relationship issues.

Cassandra specializes in releasing subconscious blockages that are holding you back. It is crucial to become aware of your thoughts and bring your subconscious to light; otherwise, your subconscious will govern your life contrary to your wishes. Cassandra helps you delve deeper into your psyche to uncover the roots of your sadness, traumas, anxieties, and behavioral patterns. Self-discovery is essential for meaningful life changes and personal growth. Developing self-awareness is key to your spiritual journey, leading you closer to enlightenment, aiding in healing past traumas, emotional wounds, and uncovering your true purpose in life. Cassandra excels in shadow work and inner child healing.

Both Evelyn and Cassandra work with both light and dark magic as needed. Their energy is powerful, and you may feel static electricity or goosebumps in their presence. They are seeking a home where they can fit in without being ridiculed or feared. While they were known as the peculiar creepy sisters in life, they want a friend who shares their interest in the occult. They dressed in black goth clothing, with dark red lips and heavy black makeup causing fear in those around. They enjoy playing harmless pranks for fun but never intend to harm. I have lost count of the times Cassandra has hidden under the table, grabbed my leg, or made eerie gurgling sounds in the middle of the night to playfully scare me. However, it's all done in a good-spirited manner, and there is no intention to harm me. They are dedicated to assisting their keeper, especially those who may have been overlooked or faced significant challenges in life. Maybe you don’t even know how to be happy anymore because life’s got you down that bad… well rest assured these girls are going to change that for the better. They get along with other spirits in the home,animals and children. They are what I consider neutral spirits who will help their keeper but curse their enemies. You don’t want to miss out on two amazing witches. If they call to you, it’s not something you want to ignore because not everyday do you come across spirits who are this powerful and this amazing. Don’t miss out.

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